Posts Tagged ‘Saves the Day’

This was the Me of February

before things started to look up. It’s always a journey. I’d just like some good luck for a change.

There must be something wrong with me.
I get so tired, I can’t sleep.
The voices in my head are haunting my dreams.
No matter how I try,
To kill the thoughts inside.
I cannot, I cannot, hide.

The mirror staring back at me.
The cracking lines along my face.
The times I try to get things straight, but could not.
I know how hard I try,
To keep myself alive.
But I don’t know, I don’t know why:

Funny how,
When the darkest of nights falls down.
Worry that I will never see.
The sun is shining again.

The world goes round,
What was up is again back down.
Wonder if I could stick around,
Feel the light of the day:

Sometimes I feel like I am,
Dying, down here.
I feel a raging storm,
Inside of my skin.
The dial tone is there
But no one’s calling…

I feel the weight of time,
Wonder when I will die.
But I don’t know, I don’t know why

I like them.

Picture 1

Saves the Day

Second Highlight.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Now if only Two Tongues had played too, I would have been uber excited.

Musical Greatness

When Saves the Day meets Say Anything..

You get Two Tongues

Can’t wait for the album release in February.

Pop punk lives on 🙂

Swimming in Reverie

The Summer to come. It’s Beginning.

Best Friends

The Beach


Bike Rides

Late Nights

Summer Anthems





Heaven. 😉

I have a date..

with my video game console tonight.

I’m nerding it all on my own.

No wonder I’m single. Ha Ha.

Seriously, no one is doing anything decent tonight, and yet they are all busy.

My night will still be good though.
Might even attack some of that So Good I have in the freezer.

So good .

Currently Listening to Saves the Day 

Pay Increase

So Colin Barnett has agreed to give teachers all over WA an instant pay increase of 6%, back dated to the 5th September.  Anyone know when this comes into effect? (Pay day is tomorrow 🙂 )An increase over three years looking to reach 20% is still under discussion.

Some extra income would be really helpful round about this time of year, with my car and house insurance due, as well as needing to service my car, and upgrade him to a bigger one. 

Let’s not forget the millions of people who are born in October/November, myself included.
You gotta love us Valentines Day babies.

I have 4 days left of holidays. I’m actually itching to get back to the workshop. I haven’t worked with any wood and machinery, since I made that frame to take to Melbourne for Sam, at Sike.

 Expect less posts when I do. 4 day to finish off marking all of these Tech Graphics assignments too. There has gotta to be at least 100 of them.

Currently Listening to Saves the Day 

Soul Food

Been living on these beauties for the past two months. Still not full. 🙂


I cannot contain my excitement.

New Found Glory, Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, Rival Schools and Saves the Day.
I will have the biggest smile on my face.

Other bands I am really stoked on are Alkaline Trio, Evergreen Terrace, Everytime I Die, Anberlin, Finch, Say Anything, Goldfinger, Emery and Horse the Band.

A Melbourne trip might even be on the cards.

 Currently listening to Killing the Dream

No Deal

Why are men afriad of strong independent woman?

Unfortunately in Perth, woman outnumber the men.
This is the total opposite of back home where there was 8 guys for every 1 girl.
Oh the choice we used to have!!

I was chatting to a coworker today and she was telling me about her boyfriend. They have been together for a year, and she’s 28. She was telling me how she doesn’t see a future with this guy, and views him as a “fill in guy”.

I guess it’s the whole case of “Mr Right” vs “Mr Right Now”.

Are we that scared of never finding our Mr Right, that we just settle and waste precious years with the wrong person, because it’s convenient and we are lazy?
Is it that we have unintentionally or intentionally limited ourselves as the years have swept on by.

As another candle is added to the equation, another flake of hope evaporates into our nightmare of fear and doubt.
I admit I limit myself.
I ideally want a guy who is a non meat eater, who loves animals, who doesn’t need alcohol to have a good time, who can appreciate my taste in music, who makes me laugh, is tall and handsome (in my eyes), who enjoys sports and the outdoors just as much as watching good dvds and playing card games and board games.

Most importantly I don’t want a boy, I want a man.

Apparently I intimidate guys because I am independent, have my life together and always seem in control. It could be that they see this package and think that there is no room for a male.
That they would have nothing to offer.
They couldn’t be further from the truth.

I can’t wait for the day when an independent man sweeps me off my feet.
Quoting lyrics of a band I adore to seal the deal.
Let’s just hope he is man enough to make the move in the first place.

Hopefully until then, I hope I won’t settle for Mr Right Now – which probably explains my significant length of current singleness.
It’s easy to fall for that cute guy who smiles at you from across the room, and puts an instant bounce in your step.
It’s the journey of holding out for the best suited person, which will hopefully lead to the most overused scenario in all books.

Currently listening to The Get Up Kids and Saves the Day